
来源:数学的实践与认识 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-27
摘要:私立学校 [9]私立学校由政府以外的组织或人员提供资金支持,例如宗教机构。通过经典条件反射,教会学校可以强化父母可能希望子女具有的某些价值观



[10] Overall, both religious and independent private schools are able to be selective in their admissions processes,and are usually characterized by smaller class sizes and more individual attention for each student. Because most rely on tuition paid by a child’s family, some private schools may promote a student to the next grade even if the student is not prepared, to keep a family satisf i ed so they continue to pay could lead to diff i culty in a child’s education in his or her future if he or she does not have a solid foundation of knowledge upon which to advance.


Montessori Schools


[11] Montessori schools are a type of private school based on the theories of Italian educator Maria theories reflect Piaget’s description of the child as scientist. Montessori classrooms are full of different stations and materials designed to be stimulating for students to encourage their motivation to learn. Students at Montessori schools are left to explore their classrooms individually, with the assumption that they will learn naturally through their own sensorimotor to the complete individualization of the learning process, children are grouped not by age but by cognitive level. This fl exible system removes the pressure to advance quickly that is on children in traditional schools. Supporting Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Learning Theory, children work closely with classmates of different ages. Younger classmates can learn from older ones,and older classmates can mature by helping their younger peers. This aids not only their learning and cognitive development, but also their social development. However, because there is little traditional classroom teaching in most Montessori schools, students may receive intermittent14 intermittent间歇的,断断续续的。 reinforcement from their teachers, which could hinder their learning and development.


Waldorf Schools


[12] Another type of non-traditional private school is the Waldorf to Montessori schools, Waldorf schools follow Piaget’s theory that the child is a scientist, and should be surrounded by a stimulating and inspiring school environment to facilitate learning. Hands-on15 hands-on(经历或工作)亲身实践的,实际操作的。 learning is enabled in Waldorf schools through curriculums full of art, gardening, dance, and other less traditional classes that supplement academic ones. In early childhood, children are exposed to16 be exposed to使受……的影响(或熏陶),使接触。 letters and books,but not required to start reading until the second or third grade.


文章来源:《数学的实践与认识》 网址: http://www.sxdsjyrs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0727/682.html


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