
来源:数学的实践与认识 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-27
摘要:[13] A main tenet17 tenet(理论、信仰的)基本原则,根本信条。of Waldorf schools that coincides with18 coincide with一致,相符。 Piaget’s theory is that Waldorf schools are di

[13] A main tenet17 tenet(理论、信仰的)基本原则,根本信条。of Waldorf schools that coincides with18 coincide with一致,相符。 Piaget’s theory is that Waldorf schools are divided into three stages that roughly overlap with19 overlap with与……部分重叠。 Piaget’s stages of development. The curriculum in each stage varies based on what Waldorf educators believe is appropriate for the child’s strengths in each stage. Like Piaget, Waldorf theory dictates that each stage is concrete and inf l exible. The fi rst stage is the imagination stage, and occurs in the fi rst seven years of a child’s life. In early childhood, Waldorf schools work within the framework of the stage by establishing routines, performing simple tasks such as art projects and simple gardening, and fostering imagination by reading the students stories and encouraging free fantasy play. The teacher models these activities so that students can imitate them with minimal instruction. Activities in Waldorf schools ref l ect seasons, holidays, and other rhythms that occur during the year. This reinforces the notion of routine on a larger scale and directly connects children to the world around them more than other schools.


[14] Another distinctive feature of Waldorf schools is that teachers move up with the students, so children are in class with the same students and teacher for the duration of their at the provides children with consistent reinforcement, but narrows the amount of people to imitate and learn from. ■

[14]华德福学校的另一个特色就是教师与学生一起升学,进入下一年级,所以孩子们在校期间一直都是与同样的教师和同学一起上课。这为孩子提供了连贯、一致的强化,不过这样缩小了他们可以模仿和学习的对象群体。 □

文章来源:《数学的实践与认识》 网址: http://www.sxdsjyrs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0727/682.html


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